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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3 AM... well now 4:30

Ok... so its 3 am and I can't sleep. Thinking of all the things I've been doing lately and how different it all is from life back home.

The jist of this past week with pics of course:

Thursday August 5, 2010

Jeanette and I took off for Snowbird for what I thought was an easy going walk.... apparently not! Nothing is easy going at over 8,000 Feet! We walked more than a half mile up to a beautiful scenic overlook. Thankfully it was worth the overbearing exhaustion it caused. OMG... I will definetly have super powers when I get back to NY. 5,000 feet doesn't effect me at all now.
Later that night and after some much needed motrin we went to a free concert in the park. Great music and tons of cool people. They have this every Thursday and next week we're seeing Matisyahu and Karl Denson's Tiny Universe. Good times!

Friday August 6, 2010
So today I couldn't move... we basically just vegged and watched movies.

Saturday August 7, 2010
Tonight we went to a BBQ at friends Chad and Cameron's (a fellow New Yorker who knows the value of real Italian bread and Hoffman hot dogs (nope neither in Utah!)
Sunday August 8,2010
I actually don't remember what we did.... funny what a vaca, no planner and fun times does to one! I think Jeanette and I played tennis?!?

Monday August 9, 2010
Apparently recovered from last week enough to actually go sightseeing with roomate Bernadette. We went to Temple Square (where the Mormans are), The Cathedral of Mary Madeleine... the largest Catholic church in Utah and the only one in the US named for her. (see pics)
We went on to the DI (Deseret Industries). Its basically the Salvation Army for Mormans. Great stuff though and super cheap. For dinner we got chinese food... yeah umm its definetly an east coast thing.

Tuesday August 10, 2010
Wow didn't even know that was the date till I looked it up just now. I think I'm becoming to laxed out here. Must be the air!
Today Frannie (fab roomate) and I went up to Park City. Jodie you're right... great shopping! We went to the outlets but somethings different... my shopping urge has been replaced (don't tell Dad it might come back) with life. Strange. Didn't know living could be this fullfilling. Just wish Mom could see me or that I cold see her. Thinking of her a lot lately. Know she'd be proud, a little worried I wouldn't come home, but most of all over the moon with happiness.

Plans for the rest of the week if I don't make it back here:

Wednesday errands, laundry and Jeanette's softball game.

Thursday Twilight free concert series in the park.

Friday PRIMUS concert!! WooHoo haven't seen them in about a decade! Feel very old right now.

Much love to all of you. Thanks for reading. Enjoy the Pics!
xoxo Christina


  1. Christina: I'm sure that your mom IS watching over you and that she is over-the-moon with happiness for you. I sure know that I am! It is clear that you are not just on a vacation, you are on a journey. I'm so glad that it is going well for you and that you are embracing more of your beautiful life each and every day! Laura

  2. I am so excited for you and all of your new experiences! Way cool for you to be doing this! Regarding the shopping thing, it is much better to fill your life with experiences rather than things. I am trying to teach my younger son this idea . . . he loves hot cars that cost too much to own and repair. I told him, drive a vehicle that will get you where you need to go, YOU are not defined by that car. Take the extra money and do things in your life. Save for a trip. Trips create life experiences that are worth the sacrifice of saving and scrimping. XOXO Keep moving babe and keep telling us about it!
