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Monday, August 30, 2010

Change of Plans.....

So this was suppose to be the trip of a lifetime but life happens and we need to rearrange things. I am still planning on doing this trip but due to unexpected circumstances I have to head home early.

I gave myself 3 options for this situation.
1. to cancel everything and drive straight home.
2. to leave all my crap including my car and fly home for the time being then fly back here and continue my trip. (not knowing the length I will have to be home this didn't sound logical but thank you Jeanette for offering to store my stuff)
3. Re-plan the trip for a quicker ride home then when things settled down, start over again with the original plan.

I opted for option 3.

So here's the "New Plan."  If all goes well I will pick up this trip sometime in October and will resume this blog.

In the mean time:

This week Jeanette and I are heading to Las Vegas. We'll leave Wednesday and return to Salt Lake City on Friday. I will start for home sometime this weekend. Not sure of the route yet but it shouldn't take me more than a week. I plan on seeing the middle of the country, a more direct route home, and be home the weekend of September 11.

I want to thank you all so much for keeping up with my blog. You've all given some great advice and I really appreciate the cheerleading you've done.

I do have lots more pics and stuff to post and will hopefully have them up this week.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that your plans have to change. I do hope everything is ok.
